A philosopher be it any as a matter of fact with certainty or uncertainty tends to intellectually masturbate, psychologically speaking or in a Freudian terminology if could be stated. The reason for me is not that but a sort of reflection for the day, for the moment.
At the moment my life is a symphony composed of three distinct movements: ‘a lot of people’, ‘a few people’, and ‘almost no one’. What I want to write today in the blog is about none of the above mentioned, although they relate to the theme I thought of writing about, but when I look at the world though not in the full sense, that is, at me (Romero) I never thought of who I am. Yet, I live in the present moment, not thinking about life that I am living and the life that has been even before I have been living and also to that which I have given life.
I reckon that it takes about three minutes to read this particular post. Well, according to statistics, in that same space of time, 300 people will die, and another 600 will be born, may be a bit or a piece full of exaggeration.
I might take 30 minutes or perhaps little less than or more to put my thoughts about the thought that I am thinking: I’m sitting at the computer, reflecting as to what to type on the keyboard, with nothing front of me, ideas just following out. Everything seems perfectly normal, and yet a feeling of abnormal, because in those 30 minutes, 3,000 people have died, and 6,000 have just seen the light of the world. Where are all of them gone?
I stop though I cannot and reflect a little may be more. Perhaps the journey they began or are going to begin has got an end and a beginning. I think to myself as to what will be my journey. To see what is directly in front of the nose needs a constant struggle or rather a joke to be laughed.
By now you might be puzzled as to what I am getting at...
In a day you and I have just got 24 hours, What? Why? Where? How? Credits to us as and when we make of it. The reason to make your head spin this far is only because the world goes round getting to nowhere or somewhere.
Today was a dull day as per the weather which showed itself in a too cloudy with continuous the rain that was cleaning the roads of Nashik throughout but interestingly with Fr Edison Fernandes SDB, a professor came to teach the course ‘Hiotrsy of Westen Educaion’ Oops!!! My fingers miss took the words, its ‘History of Western Education’ and the day turned out to be a bright sunny day. He with his creative, communicative and critical way breathed life into us as we began this course with smiles and laughter.
The course began with a simple yet complicated question, ’Why you think HISTORY is important?’ For which I thought it is a story of my life, from where I am coming, my background, culture, family, lifestyle, nature, if seen at it subjectively (grammatically & philosophically) but if seen objectively the world seen as whole, the subjects taken as subjects, we see history has got its his-story.
The term history has got its own significance in the past what I meant was former times or you know olden days as we would call it days of yore or yesteryear. I guess it might have even been in chronicles, or taken into account as a memoir is it if placed in archives where there are records maintained or perhaps it is every moment which we treasure most, the experiences it may seem to be a tale, antecedent. Wait a second! Am I too lost in searching the HISTORY just because I was asked, ‘Why do you think HISTORY is important?’
Well, I think this question which I am at can be thought by you, too. So quest for this….