Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Befikre (carefree) crime-romantic-comedy film released on the 9th December 2016 has hit the screens as well as the songs have been downloaded and listened to repeatedly few months earlier along with its trailer and banners. A film produced and directed by Aditya Chopra. The movie is a free spirited, contemporary story of carefreeness and focused on living life to the fullest. There are reviews and ratings already being flashed. Well, who am I to criticize or judge the movie…I personally enjoyed watching the movie….but I think apart from watching the movie…it truly speaks of the culture we are living today in the 21st century…allow me to use the word carelessness…and in living my life to the full that means living with no fear, no limits, no boundaries, no rules, no laws, allow me to add to the list…no morality, no religion, no God…I think we would run and are actually running the risk of living a selfish, egoistic, highly motivated yet disillusioned and destructive lives. I think this movie has much to offer by way of reflection and living our lives in family, in communities, in society, in the world. Where we need to love and care, to live for others, to make this world a better place so that we can really live our lives with Befikre…..with trust, with believe, with confidence, with love, with courage…

Philosophically reviewing this movie…I think it is also an invitation to all of us to attain nothingness (in Sanskrit ṠūnyatāNishkama karama, in Japanese mu, and in Chinese wủ), a realm of metaphysics where Parmenides (empty world is possible), Rene Descartes (to seek the existence), St Augustine (why is there something rather than nothing?), Martin Heidegger (ontological neutrality), Victor Hugo (contrast universal negation with universal affirmation), Peter Van Inwagen (the infinite lottery), Gottfried Leibniz (something – universal designer), William James (from nothing there can being there can be no logical bridge)…How could I ever forget Jean Paul Sartre who contends that human existence is a conundrum our conscious choices run counter to our intellectual freedom – the consciousness….Thinking of Creation out of nothingness presupposes the possibility of total nothingness…now such a construction seems logically illogical and this is the opening verse of the literal reading of Genesis 1.1. If the world is created out of nothingness…then what about the creation? What about the faith and believe and hope which we Christians base on Love? My thinking has lead me to question even the insights of Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstien, Sigmund Freud, Soren Kierkegaard, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Rudolf Carnap, Frank Wilczek, Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow, Lawrence Krauss. I am reminded of the Bhagavad Gita verse , “Nâsato vidyate bhâvo, nâbhâvo vidyate satah” (the unreal never is, the real never is not)[2:16]. This once again spells to us: “ex nihilo, nihil fit” (out of nothing comes nothing). We see from history of philosophy many studying and reflecting on this phrase of Parmenides to mention one among the many St Thomas Aquinas who seeks to reason out this phrase through one of his arguments on the proof of the existence of God. Crossing the boundaries the of nothingness I think that we do not need to compromise nor confront some truths neither care-a-damn attitude…