Thursday, September 30, 2010


Nothing Happens Unless YOU Make It Happen……

Yes, Youth for Life each of us in this world build our lives on dreams, a goal that looms on the distant horizon. Some dream of becoming someone whereas some dream of something for themselves, some dream of life, love, career, and the list can go on but what are we really doing with all these dreams. Allow them to pass in running streams or running after them. Although sometimes due to the circumstances, conditions, restrictions and external blocks, do hamper and damage our dreams but this really doesn’t mean that we cannot live our dreams.

Living your dream is always the result of inspiration and perspiration, all that matters is that you are willing to decide what you want believing that you can have it, learning from experiences, preserving through rough and tough tides and never giving up but always giving in your best. Your spirit can never paralyze, If you are breathing your dream, yes you can live your dream. Your dream is only the opener, it depends on as to when you want to open it and go for it. Dream high for to achieve your goal you have to pursue with all the courage, strength and the will power. Love what you dream and in love dare to do. Live your dream, by following your heart. Always live to think the thinking thought you always think of.

You will have a great and enjoyable adventure as you begin to walk the life of your dreams and live the reality you have dared to dream by starting to do.


Our world is becoming very progressive and developed on account of the technological innovations and extremely compact mechanized equipments. You can perform any possible activity at the click of a button. We religious are active participants of the technologies in this fast paced world. We are heading towards becoming ‘techno savvy’ to make creative use of different communications for our mission. Quite a few of us are on gmail, facebook, orkut, yahoo, etc. The breaking news for all of you is that Mary too is on Facebook.

Yes you got me right. It sounds bizarre, but Mary is also into social networking and blogging. Well, Mary’s got an ID, a password, her wall and her profile, she invites friends and confirms them and a blogspot where people read the stuff and enter in their comments. The only idea we need to keep in mind is that MARY @ FACEBOOK - and that’s her ID - is not so much virtual, but personal. I’d say it’s very, very personal.

You send an invitation to Mary and be sure she will confirm you as a friend. Mary neither refuses nor blocks anyone from being her friend. The angel Gabriel sent an invitation to Mary when he greeted her in God’s name and gave her her vocation. The option was placed before her to accept or not, the call to be a part of God’s mission. She listened to God’s Word and accepted it in faith. She confirmed God’s will and confirmed God as her friend through her yes. She also confirmed John- and therefore the whole of humanity- as her sons and daughters. At the various apparitions Mary confirms as her friends Juan Diego, Bernadette, Lucia, Jacinta and many others.

Once Mary confirms you as her friend she extends to you her help personally. We see her gesture of solidarity when she reaches out to Elisabeth and helps her. Her availability, promptness and affectionate assistance remains a womanly delicacy of all times. Mary’s visit speaks about a charity which seeks out those in need, stays close to them and assists them with zealous care.

The most essential part of MARY @ FACEBOOK is that the face of Jesus is always on the book of Mary. There is necessarily a wall to wall correspondence between Jesus and Mary. There nothing else on Mary’s wall but Jesus, His Word, His Good News and His loving mercy. Mary is present and active in the purpose of giving Jesus to humans or disposing their hearts to receive Him. Her role as helper continues even greater after her Assumption. She writes in bold ‘Do Whatever He Tells You’ – because this alone will bring us eternal joy and eternal happiness. She wouldn’t say this, I believe, until she had already practiced it. But I reiterate the fact that on Mary’s wall, Jesus and only Jesus is the centre of attraction.
Another aspect which is quite logical and cogent is that the face of Mary is found on the book of Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross, He gave all of us Mary as our Mother. “Behold your Mother”, He said. Mary who sees the glorification of Jesus on the cross and His Resurrection is asked to be the intercessor and source of hope for our eternal life. Elisabeth’s exclamation - “Blessed are you among women” - is not so much in Mary’s triumph but more a recognition of the greatness of God in her life. We can be in frequent contact with Jesus if we are linked with Mary.

To this extent, Mary had and has a whole lot of followers on her blog. The first is our Father and Founder, Don Bosco who lived his entire life under the spell of Mary. She was his wise teacher and guide without whom all wisdom is foolishness. All of us are convinced of his comment about Mary – Pray to Mary and you will see what miracles are. The Church whose task is to bring Jesus to all people just like Mary did, is also a follower of Mary. The Church acknowledges Mary’s divine role through the dogmas and prays to Mary as a powerful intercessor. Great saints like St. Augustine, St. Ligouri, St. Montfort, St. Bernard, St. Theresa of Avila and many others imitated Mary and responded to God’s call with great generosity. This was of course, not without the help of Mary and the grace of Jesus. The Litany of Our Lady is a set of comments on Mary’s blog.

Mary gives us the liberty to relate with Jesus personally through her own Facebook account. Her password is a simple four-lined Hail Mary. Difficult to remember. The beauty is that if you forget this password, there are umpteen others by which you can get across to her. This includes short invocatory prayers prayed with the sentiments of a son, like Mary help me, Mother pray for me to Jesus; or silent reading and pondering over verses in the Bible, or actively participating in community prayer moments or personal devotions to Mary. By such passwords in you heart, you will be able to talk very easily to Jesus.

Therefore, dear friends, log on to MARY @ FACEBOOK anytime, anywhere, anyhow! Remember, you do not need any permission to access her because this social networking is free for all. This as I said earlier is not virtual but very personal. No one on earth can ever block us from Mary. Through her, we can be easily mailed to Jesus. Let us log on to MARY @ FACEBOOK, imitate her and our faces will ever remain on the book of Jesus, our Lord.

I kind of liked this and so with the permission of the brother CL. Bosco Carvalho, sdb I am posting it on the blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Flipping through the pages of my mInd found some old memories that dawned as I was reading and rereading Unit – 12 (later part of the notes). It came alive to me in the events and issues that took place in my life. I may give clues leading you nowhere but to somewhere you will and surely will muck around in your own life.

Individually Guided Education - As a school boy, I always grappled with the textbooks that were the only guide for me and I personally found them as the greatest help as I pursue my studies in philosophy.

Peer tutoring – In my life, as a boy and even as I joined the Salesian way of life, it was always my companions who helped me gain insights into the problems that seemed mysterious.

Playing Responsible Role – As I look back and now playing Roles be it in class or even now has given a stand to my being who I am as a Responsible person.

Group Interaction – If not the first always the last to speak in any interaction that is taking place which not only but also helps me in being efficient and effective, at whatever I am at.

Active Participation – Be it back at home or forth at the place where I am at taking active participation in everything makes me feel that what I am doing is necessarily to give your all and your best in whatever I do.

Learner-Centered Method – I was always the center of everything although not but what goes in thinking positive. It gives a boost to everything in life.

Open-Classroom Method – I always admired people who have always thought and been out of the box and I believe I am no exception to this reality, in all that I do and think. It sets within me a fire, a passion and happiness.

All these are notes that create a beautiful music, you may imagine it as different instruments being played or different notes, or different music but all this in a sYmphanY – Of Within, Of Soul.

It has created me, formed me as a child, as a student, as an educator, as a religious, as a Salesian, as ………mUzIk.

trUe lUv……….. trUe leaRning…………

Just for a break from my desktop I began reading, Of Course I Love You..! Till I find someone better (Novel) and this thought popped up in my mInd, like a pop-corn, sugar-coated yet salted with butter.

True Love is like a Novel(ty) you never know which page will bring a tWiSt in the story
So keep on luv’n because happiness comes when it is most unexpected.

This I think could be thought of true learning……..

If you ask me, although you need not, the definition of love…..

It is a relationship – indefinable, undescirable, unweighable, priceless and which I guess will never be understood – a mYsterY.

The same could be applicable of my (oUR) true learning as a relationship.

Today, 16th September 2010 and I am reading the Unit -12. I think and feel, as I am reading the notes, I am in relationship with it, coming to know, to understand though not understanding, to feel, as to what the text is saying and as I listen to it, it is revealing to me itself (stark naked) exposing to me, the reality. This is what IS true luving… and true learning…

It gives me more responsibility, more room for staying in this relationship. I am reading: A Learner (me) – Centered (text) Classroom (me room). It is helping me to surf on with the self-involvement, self-reinforcement, self-discipline, self-confidence & ……

What do you think???...............

Give a thinking thought to this reality………………………………

gUd moRning 2………

Sipping the tea and dipping the toast in the tea is an act committed by me in filling the empty space of my earth (stomach) today, 15th September 2010. I believe and think it is the same with this earth (my mind) as I am reading or rather was reading The textbook of educational psychology ‘Educational Psychology: Basic concepts’ (Chapter 1-25) (Notes provide by Fr. Edison Fernandes, sdb)

Coming back, pushing forward my thought to the start of my article. I was sitting at my desk and on my chair having the tea and toast but I guess without the knowledge of the two, as to the making or producing of them. What do you think, is it a HELP on thinking of knowing that which satisfies our hunger (end). It is preferable of one to know, what one is at, otherwise, it may be a cause or an effect which unthinkable of the thinkable. Therefore, it is good to know the why, how and what of what you think is possibly important for your earth (mind).

This particular reading of Educational Psychology

Brief history, meaning, nature, aim, classes, aspects, functions, roles, scope and methods has certainly brought me to a certain knowledge of the WHAT is educational psychology.

Educational psychology as, an academic discipline, improves teaching, values, a relation between the psychology has given a start to the WHY of this educational psychology.

Ultimately the beginning of learning and teaching is the HOW it takes place or fins room for itself. This for me, is the search of and for each one, to get to one HOW uniquely and differently.

In order to get to the HOW for me is to further my reading in this subject.

Therefore I say that I am a learner in a learning proCess in the learning sitUation.

Glares on………

I am a person who doesn’t or rather never likes to wear a spectacle or a glares but to my fate or luck I had to wear one today. The reason of wearing this glares is because I got sore eyes. I feel the need here, to express, that having sore eyes is expressing an experience of what you can imagine or think of, if you have got an experience of this (sore eyes). The thinking feeling that I wearing a glare on is that of wearing a peRsonality, a personality that of a thoughtful one, for one as well as for the other.

WHY? Am I sharing this bit of experience expressing, its simply because I apply this experience to the Educational Psychology, a cause that we (I) began today, 14th September 2010. This educational psychology, I think is my eyes, the glares that are placed in front of my eyes is the personality. It is through this personality, I gain or develop or nurture the growth and development that takes on the surface (receiving information, looking at people, things, action, reading a book, at present writing the articles or rather typing this article on the computer and looking at the desktop and many other that don’t come to my mind). This personality (glare) helps my eyes to efficiently function and become more effective it also helps my eyes as a safeguard (a preventive system) for myself and others.

This I believe is caught by the thought of attending the class for four minutes that I entered at 11:25-11:30 when the professor (Rev. Fr. Edison Fernandes, sdb) was teaching about Personality as being a balance of relationship between the Educational Psychology (eye) and the personality (glare) with the teaching and learning (acts received, achieved, done by the eye).

Sweeping my mind - philosophy - Part 7 &

Close Up

It is form childhood not to be proud or boast about myself but I had the desire to teach and as a child I would always play this game called teacher-teacher. This is just the beginning of my vocation into becoming one educator. Even as a boy at home I would help mummy to teach the small kids that she in the past taught them.

Here, I would say openly that even whenever I took class regardless to the subject, there would always be a sense of something filling within me. I feel it is my goal to have a mutually enriching teaching career by keeping an open mind and accept the reality. I wish to be an educator with a heart and a mind that will be of help and of service to the youngsters, especially their thirsty souls.

With great respect I thank Rev. Fr. Edison Fernandes for his creative, causal and calling presence to form my educational philosophy. I firmly believe that this exercise has really helped to look into myself and my own philosophy which has been formed by the within and without. I am very grateful to all those people; my near and dear one’s who have influenced me to arrive at my educational philosophy.

Sweeping my mind - philosophy - Part 6 ^

What happens in the teaching/learning process?

• Acquring
• Accepting

A child has to be given something in order to begin life just like the seed therefore the first step would be that of Giving. Then after you have planted the seed it needs to be nurtured and cared for thus the second step is that of Nurturing. Finally or rather to begin with one has taken roots for itself and has began to grow, therefore, I would not say the third and last but perhaps it may be: Growing.

• Giving
• Nuturing
• Growing

Can moral values be taught? Should they? If so, what values should be taught, and how?

Yes, values that need to be cultivated so as to live in this world therefore, values such as love, peace, harmony, cleanliness, goodness, politeness, punctuality. We see that there is a categories like right/wrong, good/bad, true/false but I wouldn’t like to fetch these ideas although I appreciate them.
I would also say contradictory to the above,
No, values need not be taught but needs to be caught; therefore witness given by the elders and others gives a boost to the spirit of the soul and one is committed to the action produced by cultivation.

How would you proceed in education?

 Giving space just like the world is set in space.
 Believing in the other just like the supreme has in us human beings.
 Keeping the old and accepting the new.
 Shifting from indoctrination to education.
 Learning with love.
 Delearning and Relearning.
 Creating and Producing.
 Holding on to creativity and innovativeness.
 Going hand-in-hand with the universality as well as the particular.
 Method of words, language, and skills.
 Drawing balance in life and other things.
 Grappling with questions and life.
 Sending positive vibes.
 Coping and encouraging the practices of equality among students.
 Treating everyone as friends and our very own.
 Above all by being an example and model

What techniques would you employ?

The different techniques that I would propose would be:

 Play - Learn.
 See - Learn.
 Ask - Learn.
 Seek & Struggle - Learn.
 Push Theory.
 Mistake - Learn.
 Free - Learn.
 Experience - Learn.
 Knowledge - Learn.
 Wisdom - Learn.
 Love - Learn.

These are the few keywords that came to my mind and I penned them down. These are what I propose but they need not be a full fletched ways or techniques of proceeding into education, that match your thinking or even the universal, you are even free to criticize it and even add to these lists.

Sweeping my mind - philosophy - Part 5 %

What is the Relationship between the Educator and Student?

• Role of Educator
The role of the teacher is to facilitate discovery and self-actualization and the role of the student is to do what’s natural. Teachers should not impose anything on children.

• Role of Student
To understand life and education by ourselves, and that is both the beginning and the end of education. A self-realization and awareaness of oneself.

I think and feel that the role of the educator is to accomplish one’s duty by setting a good example in caring out their duties and responsibilities well. When the educator shows the warmth and compassion towards the youth I think it is an automatic pull gravity towards them. I think it is also important to give time for each youth, though it is not an easy task. It involves a great pain, because it shows the youth how much the educator loves the youth. To be a mentor to every student, the educator must project positivity, exhibit flexibility and confidence, set high expectations for one, and demonstrate fairness and consistency. In doing so, students can see appropriate adult behaviors and emulate them as they mature.

Sweeping my mind - philosophy - Part 4 $

When is education detrimental or futile?

It is simply when one stops thinking positively and acting upon the path that one has chosen. It is like committing suicide from the within or it can even be a natural calamity from the without. Therefore one needs to be able to live with Attitudes that will help one not only survive but also grow. I believe education will be detrimental or futile when there is Indoctrination and when there is only room for no freedom, creativity, innovation, passion and zeal.

What counts as successful teaching?
I don’t believe in success but if you ask me personally, if education has to grow and flourish and live, one has to simply follow the 5H’s formulae- Head, Heart, Hand, Humanness, Happiness.

Sweeping my mind - philosophy - Part 3 #

What is the aim and goal of education?

This question doesn’t serve the purpose of itself but definitely it sets certainties as to what one feels and thinks about one’s own aim and goal of education but for me it is simply living the life with love and in love and being passionate about what is happening and being done. It is living one’s own life but for me it more than this since I am a Salesian and the Spirit of Don Bosco I believe is with and in me, I think the aim and goal of Education is to save souls and for me to save souls – S-sincerity, O-openness, U-understanding, L-love. The Window of MY SOUL

All this will come to surface only when this can be lived with depth and when one gives witness to it first to oneself and then to others.

Monday, September 13, 2010

SWEEPING MY (MIND) - philosophy Part - 2@

According to me, ‘What is the View of Human Nature?’
I think Human being is an essential unity in and with the universe. The nature of human being is seen in the blending of the eternal and the temporal, reality and unreality, the veiled and unveiled, being and becoming, learning and living. The human is composed of body and soul, yet they are one. Here, I would like to stress that the human being is therefore, a mystery – a living mystery. They face the challenge of a constant growth, and in this process, there is a struggle of becoming a perfect being. Therefore, to understand the nature of human being it is important to deepen the crux of ones life and that of humanity.

Why does one need education?
My educational philosophy discuss the issue that boys and girls are equal. More than being equals they are unique individuals. For me students are blessed with wonderful qualities to live with dignity and treat others as with dignity. I feel that any education which is a threat to the dignity of the human person is not real education. I also feel that education helps the students to come out of their ignorance. I mean education will help the student to come out of bondage, to grow, to learn something more and do in life, more important to stand on their feet.
Moving from here I would like to state that education builds and helps the community. Above all it helps us to live as good human beings. As Radhakrishnan says, “we try to know the nature of the human being from above or from below, that is from the divine principle or from the nature.”
Each one of us will have our own way of thinking about education for me it is a vocation that leads one to the realization to oneself in whatever one thinks and does for oneself and for the other.  Therefore, I believe that one needs education no matter who and what one is.

SWEEPING MY (MIND) - philosophy Part - 1!

Who influenced me in arriving at my Education Philosophy?
I sincerely believe it was my parents who taught me the ABC of and for LIFE. Then I think it is my younger brother who wasn’t interested in studies and would ask simply ask the question – WHY studies and my paper for this course of Educational Philosophy has evolved from this thinking and therefore the title. And I give credit to all those who have been part of my life then and now, as an infant, as a growing kid, as a schoolboy, as a college youth, as a religious – they have been my relatives (close and far), friends (of all sorts of religion, gender, caste, age), staff (teaching as well as domestic), and every human being living on this earth. 

What are the Questions that tickle my Mind?
Why did I choose to specialize in the stream of Education in Philosophy is simply because now-a-days very few would philosophize on the Education. As I went through the course they were mind-boggling questions which I thought would be significant to be noted down. Why Education? What Education is in today’s world? Is education for all? Does education help the person to find meaning in life? Is education catering its sole purpose? What is the ultimate vision, dream, foundation, Purpose, Intention, Direction, Questions, Meaning, Concept, Term, Idea, Goal, Action, Opportunity, Method, Types, Cause, Effect, Matter, Form, Importance, Problem, Solution, Suggestion and Conclusion Of Education?   I think I can make an affirmation in saying that each person is unique and therefore, each ones outlook towards education will be evolved round ones own philosophy. Each one views at the reality basing on their uniqueness which includes family background and purpose, goal and aims in life.
If you look at the questions I posed before n my paper, it simply reflects what is going on in my mind and what it wants to share. Normally, we the adults and elders think and believe that education will take place only if we impose on the child like hammering the nail in the wall or rather hammering the nail in a lovely glass which I believe, if it is a glass then surely it will break into pieces. 

Learning philosophy has helped me live my own philosophy and to a certain extent also given a boost to my philosophizing on Education. For me education has been part of my life since my childhood because my mummy takes tuitions in the house the whole day and I would sit and study and read the whole day. I loved reading and till today I love doing it. I was a bookworm but a growing worm. But in today’s world the word can be replaced with any other word. Ultimately, I believe in one thing, people today are not learning from books and newspaper alone, but looking at the lives of the people and mending themselves and their lives to be good and virtuous citizens in this society. I would say, “Education today is Witness.”


A: I confess that a Being who exists somewhere and corresponds to every point in space, a Being who is essentially different from matter and yet is one with matter, who follows its motion, and moves it, without himself being in motion, who acts on matter, but whom I can form no idea; a Being of so full of life in nature, an hypothesis difficult to understand yet accepted.
B: What is it?
A: A Being that is convinced of what and of where, of why and of who
B: I don't follow you. How?
A: I'll explain, Can you tell me what constitutes the existence of a perceiving being, for a being itself?
B: The consciousness of continued identity from the first moment of reflection to the present.
A: And on what is this consciousness based?
B: On the memory of its actions.
A: Very good. And what is this memory?
B: From a certain organisation, which develops, grows weak, and is sometimes lost entirely.
A: Then, if a being that can feel, and that possesses that organisation that gives rise to memory, and so acquires consciousness of its identity.
B: You'll see that you are making the philosopher's mind a being distinct from the being itself.
A: Allow me to expose to you the truth about this whole being. You see,..
B: Farewell, my friend, and good night to you.
A: You're joking: but you will dream on your pillow about this conversation, and if it doesn't take on substance there, then surely on the day to come for the being is you and today is the cause of you being happy.
B: Hurry up, for I'm anxious to sleep, tell me what is it?
A: I'll be brief, In that case, here is what I want to say, enjoy and thank the gift of life given to you by the Being. If you think over it well, you will find that in everything, our true feeling is not that about which we have never vacillated, but that to which we have most constantly returned.
B: I believe you're right.
A: And so do I. Good night, my friend, and remember that " dust thou art, to dust thou shall return," yet necessary. I don't say immortality, but merely a double span of life and you'll see what will happen.
B: And what do you expect to happen? . . . But what do I care? Let it happen what may. I want to sleep, so good night to you!
A: Sorry to wake you up friend but let me wish you…

Sunday, September 12, 2010



You think of this new order either as a presupposition to the supposed or post-poned thought. As after coming to thought that already existed I call it comic because it shows the complexity in a very realistic and fantasizing way. Now I am thinking of it as a comic, because you and I, know that reading comics are not all real but are of an imaginary world, by product of our intellect. To entertain our body and mind, to think altogether in another way (what we call, out of the box). We may call this people filled with insights, long term optimists, dreaming of a millennium that may be never achieved yet, in the future. Don’t you think its stupidity! But let us reverse this word and call the others of the world those who think not in this way and call them stupid. This is surely a crazy situation I have created here. This could bring a whirlpool if not for all but atleast hopefully in the present economic order that is you and I. This may be a piece of waste or scrap which is being waited to go into the recycling but before deciding to delete give a thinking thought on this article.  


‘Objectivity is the fruit of Subjective Authenticity’ this particular statement is robbed from Bernard Lonergan’s Insight .This fascinated me as I was reading Dr Philip McShane’s article in the Divyadaan Journal and Economics For Everyone and still fancied me and my thoughts when I was driven into this seminar: Towards A New Economic Order. Now why do I drag this phrase of Lonergan’s here? Its because to start or rather proceed into moving towards an economic order one needs to launch deep into oneself, for me, as an anchor for the ship and then no matter what the waves, or what the currents are, it remains steady and grounded therefore doesn’t even take a chance of sinking, imagine this scene and apply it innovatively against the background of your own economics and see for yourself what insights you sight.
I will leave you with this here and jump into the backward reading of this phrase, ‘The fruit of Subjective Authenticity is Objectivity.’ This is in a simple way although with limited knowledge and with a weak foundation, I interpret this whole issue or event of moving towards A New Economic Order. What comes to my mind is a question – What is Economics for you, a cup of tea/coffee/cold drink/hard drink or a glass of water or whatever you think is for you. Why is it that which you think it is?
In order to set fire within, you must run after the What is the What? Or rather What is the Whating? Pushing this forward we would reach somewhere and it would involve a lot of mucking around endlessly. Take for instance, the football; only after a lot of kicks it reaches the goal. Let your thinking though imagine economics as an egg – What is an egg? Why is an egg an egg? What difference does it bring in the world, the world of those who produce it and of those who consume it? in the economical language. The basic consumer and the surplus consumer
This is puzzling enough for you and me, to think of economics or rather a new economic order and the complexity yet, simple order. To build, this order systematically but still in a disordered way. It may take eternity or may be not eternity to putting pieces of this bit of economics into one such established economy.
With the necessary conditions disposed or exposed to our intelligibility gives a taste of reality as to what is economy made of? The presupposition of demand-supply, consumer-producer, saving-investments, taking into the consideration of these (flows) taken into account and those skipped my mind. There is a possible need to deepen into these flows and get into dynamics that gets us and our thinking thought in making sense, or perhaps some sense, dawning to dim rays of light that flashes our thinking tank.
At this point, although a point placed in the air, hope your are coming to a certain awareness and realization of all that has been read by you. It doesn’t matter whether you marvel at the language and call this, What StUpIdity !! Or Is this fellow mAd or perhaps –Look at this person making a fool of his self!!
Yes, you may be right in speaking your mind to yourself or to the other while you have been reading.
The reason, may not be a reason itself but the economics to which we are married, and make love to, or kiss and hug everyday of our lives, maybe a wrong bride for us – a fundamental mistake of giving birth to mishap economy for the future and thus living an inauthentic subjectivity which bears a rotten fruit of objectivity.
I am not inviting you now to uproot the tree of life and divorce the bride, to whom one has given all love, but do think and feel for the future by already enacting in this: the present.
I hope this Step, of stepping a step, step by step towards – A New Economic Order has been a step stepping towards the inward and the outside of the self.
We are the diagram of Economics, the New Economics and are left with the Homes Of Wonder – simply by asking the HOW.
Therefore take time now in thinking and understanding and stay with this thinking thought.