Tuesday, November 17, 2020



I don’t know why

But I like her hie and bys

I began to like her even more

When I came to know the date she was born

I didn’t know from the time came into this world

Until her last birthday 2020 which was a midnite fun

Her daily routine

Is like a theatre screen

Rising at 6 ish

Which she never wishes

Taking bath n eating breakfast

Running for the Bus

As the time is ticking hush-hush

For work which is all buzz

Morning time during the flush

Clicking a selfie blush

Her afternoons are busy

With texting chatting lunching

Then feeling lazy and sleepy

Walking every step 3 floors up

To resume her work of backup

In the evening when back she messages what sup

As she freshen ups


Her eyes are what captures

Every move drape like no other could

Her smile makes her face glitter

N every step she takes with gitter

Every time she shakes her legs while sitting

Which means that she is only thinking

She love Sundays

First time I seen her was in the Village Street

Felt like running my hands through her hair n kiss her cheek

But I could not dare to that

Because it was just not the day

Gazing through the night sky

Contrasting every colour of the dark light

Lost in thoughts of the mind

Decisions of life become rough and tight


She has come to a junction in life

Where she knows she has to strive

With family and friends known

Stressful and painful ways unknown

Yet she fathoms to walk the path

No matter what the warth

For she knows someone will be the warmth

Maybe that’s all she is got

She was trying to be good

But did not understand why or how

That would not put her to bed

And her eyes would be all teary and red

There was to dread

Because all she had to do was shred

She still could not find the reason why

Until she got a tight slap


Oh, that Saturday morning sunshine

With music and clear blue skylines

The roads on either side with green climbs

In the car was a delightful time

A onetime, totally sublime

Wanted the time to freeze

And experience the cool breeze

It’s like one dares to dream

But thoughts only allow to trim

We are at the beach

Sharing with each other what life teach

The horizon telling us a good tale

In history, no one to blame

Let life be an eternal flame

One should always have an aim

To one day be a fame

As we are walking the hot wind blows

Reminding us of the sunset as we are ready to go

My knees are knocking with a knock that brings a smile

As I carry her on my back for a photograph time

Assuring her that I’ll walk with for a mile

For I am only there a while

I know that it’s temporary

But it’s good to be friendly

Evening came and we made love madly

It was simply human but truly divine

Wish she could stay to dine

But she had to go back in time

All I can say that she will always be mine

It kind of funny the way I rhyme

Ever since as a child

I knew how to be wild

My sincere heart and thought was her to bind

Everything in body, soul, and mind 


One may think of life as rosy, or cherry

But I think that life is all about merry and not marry

But I know that you have dreams

I wish and pray that one day the Supreme

Will grant your desires

And bless you, with all that you admire

You will have better and nicer days

When you tell stories to your little girl baby

Of moments that you have captured

And memories well raptured

As the pack of cards lay

The ace of spades stays

One day will find you in the middle of the bay

Maybe it will be the month of May

You will say


Do you remember me?

It will be beyond expectation

That once I was your fascination

Or wait actually never an imagination

That time your girl will run up to saying

Mommy, Mummy

And I will be left with nothing but

Smiles and Smiles and Smiles

As the little girl smiles at me

And turns to you asking you WHO

And I disappear like I was never there too

Let there be no more hurts

Let there be no more burns

Yes we can learn to smile 

maybe time will bring moments of grey and gay

She seemed to be smiling and he wondered why

She looked at her wristwatch and say’s

…Oh My God…OMG


From RD to CD

One month of knowing you from your Birthday

I think you are a gift and a blessing to everyone

Stay blest, Stay Safe

You will always be my darling, the caring one

I pray and bless your future and near dear ones

Monday, April 20, 2020

No Coffin to Lay His Body

Br Michael Condillac sdb was 78 years old when he passed away on Sunday, 15th April 2020 at Karuna Hospital. The day he was called to eternal life was on the day of Resurrection. We no coffin to lay him but wrapped him white cloth, which reminds us all of our Christian vocations which we make in our baptismal vow to be a total offering to God, our Creator to whom everything belongs.

Article 45 of the Salesian Constitution shows the place of the Salesian Brother in the community which is an integral part and not an add-on or subordinate vocation.  As an ordinary lay religious Salesian brother, he would live his life with simplicity and serenity. I can vouch for his simplicity because his poverty was seen in his way of dressing and living the day as a simple down-to-earth man. The same can be said about his serenity because most of the time he spends was in the chapel praying the rosary or sitting in silence having a conversation with the Lord. Well, at the table for breakfast he preferred the sunny side up and for lunch a bombil fry with dal, for evening tea the mother Teresa biscuits and dinner an apple with soup.

Apart from praying he also loved talking to the children getting to know their history and talking to the superior and the management as to how to help them with particular or special interests. He liked to see the children playing and studying, dancing and singing and would suggest ways and means to the brothers as to how to animate the children.

There are so many aspects to Br Michael’s life and many ways that he touched our lives. I will always remember him as “Paa”- lovingly known as the grandfather (Azoba - Marathi).

Prayerful – I have seen Salesians being good at many gifts and talents – player, runner, drummer, strummer, footballer, but Br Michael was best seen and was a Prayer. He was most of the time in the chapel praying apart from the community prayers.

Asceticism was one of the hallmarks he lived with. Like Don Bosco, to give of ourselves tirelessly for the young. This was also seen in his respect for the superiors and the authority. Living his vow of obedience to the core.

Accompanying the young – As an educator after Don Bosco and an evangelizer after the example of Jesus Christ himself, he would seek every opportunity to guide and empower the young. Firstly, by listening to them and secondly by accompanying them.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Its been a while since |I have posted anything but here is something to reflect and revision and relive

Part 1
I will rise, I will fall
But every time it happens
I will move ahead of them all
People who stood by you
Walk away without any clue
Life is just tik-tok
Wish this time was never on the clock
Life is all about
What you want to make of it
Be it work of art or havoc in the heart
Though stout and brave
Funeral marches to the grave
Ignoring all blessings
Racing through sad things
Staying inside only brings
Memories that we had n shared n cared
Some which gave us a swing
While others only a sting
Some made us give ping
N others giving fling
Now its summer singing
Days of remembering spring
Where we could mingle
But now distancing n being single

Part 2
But its true
These days are of crewfew
With people who need glue
If not their fate to meet only the sue
This pandemic flu
Has left us with no clue
This has given us no revenue
But has taken care of Nature Avenue
It’s a reminder to us of nature’s value
So let human learn to withdrew
From this beautiful yet killing review
Not to get into another rendezvous breakthrough
It’s time that we settle all our overdues
And wish the coronavirus adieu

Part 3
As humans let live our lives of virtue
And take every step to renew
What we have done cannot be undo
So let’s give life another chance by not redoing
But get up n start living
So stop trying, stop crying, stop giving up
But start living by changing, by being, by living
After all, tat is wat makes you go,
Bring it wherever you go,
Not everyone is going to love you
So dnt resist or hesitate or fear
Live with a vision which is clear
Be it for yourself or for others
Let it be always to strive to care,

Part 4
For all my life may be
As the world surrounds me
And one chance is all we get
Is a life filled with or with no regrets
One of the truth about all of our lives
In the end we just want to survive
Locked in our homes, some inside while others out
Some are five, while others twenty-five
Some sixty-five, while others seventy-five
We all have only one drive
The strength to fight
for our rights
waiting for the Brightside
for the humans to thrive
this six months hive
to just stay alive 

Part 5
How do you interpret today’s situation
people have to forget vacation
there is no time for discrimination
we are kept away from temptation
children with no education
students with no graduation
this virus has filled us with mutation
wat if we are like this in continuation
when life will be only frustration
how can we live in consideration
this will be our question
in every fraction and friction
let living life to the fullest be our only caption

 Romero D'Souza