Thursday, September 13, 2012


I always had my belief in believing in 4 C's - Convictions, Commitments, Challenges, Confidence; but now I am not only confronted with a truth that I discovered today but also carefronted with the uncertainty of this certain persisting trend of 4 C's - Collaborations, Culturization, Conviences, Civilizations. This is the sign I think that we are marked and forced to let our spirit filled life to live in structures bound in chains of NETWORKING. 

Mentioned here about chained in or webbed in NETWORKING because we are living in an age of networking. Right now I am seated in on the back row seats of a Hall in Divyadaan - Salesian Institute of Philosophy, Nashik - India, attending/participating in the Seminar called, "Networking: Philosophical Basis and Applications. It is already a day past but I must say that I was made to reflect and stress my thinking only after hearing the speaker of the day, a certain Mr Conrad Saldanha. He shared his views and reflection on Media and Networking. My mind did appreciate his thought on the same topic.