Sunday, November 23, 2014


I was fascinated by the explanation of the Sign of the Blessing that is why this image is used here

Today in the sermon/homily Fr Vernet Joan sdb did stress at length the truth and reality of the title “Christ the King” and its importance in the Sacred Scripture. It is interesting to note that the expression of King to Jesus is occurred most amount of time in the Sacred Scripture. Well, I believe that Jesus is the Prince, the Ruler, the King of....I think I cannot restrict myself thinking to a closed reality of....something, or someone but to the wholeness and fullness of....

This “ofness” is well summarized and reflected in the readings and psalm of today. Ezekiel tells us about the Kingship of our God. He is a shepherd who wants to pasture his flock and in the Gospel Jesus Himself makes it clear of His Kingship. I believe that this is the fundamental truth of every Human, every Christian, every Religious. An invitation and a response to Christ living; as Pope Francis himself reminds us to focus on the centrality of Christ in creation, in history, and in the life of every human person.  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thanks to Pope Francis....

Thanks to....
Recently for our good evening thought of Fr Stephen Kuncherakatt sdb spoke of Pope Francis and his insight on and of the "Terrorism of Gossip" in which he urges the religious to wage war on. Reflecting on the same I would like to add the friends of Gossip, that is, grudge, grumble, and greed. I think that we need to replace the terror and terrorism of these above mentioned with Treaty of PEACE in which we religious can live our lives of Gospel value, Good virtues, and above all God experience.
This I think is more than is our communities, in our charisms, in our commitments, in our convictions, and above all, in our Christ way of living our religious life.

Thanks to...
Recently I received an email from Fr Tony D' Souza sdb who shared with me his insights on the "Francis Effect" which is again a reminder that one (religious) needs to live one's life in deep Faith convictions about God and courageous consistency as a witness to Jesus Christ. And more so for us Salesians to prepare ourselves for the Bi-centenary of the Birth of Don Bosco to reflect on the General Chapter 27 to be "mystics, prophets and servants" in our Salesian Vocation & Mission.  

Pope Wishing us Love and Responsibility for Religious Life

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Happy Feast to all of you...

Why do I wish you all its because today we remember in a special way the reason of our existence as Christian”ness“ to the whole of humanity. I am really blest to be in this community wherein every morning we have the celebration of Eucharist (Word of God & Body of Christ) being celebrated in our Church (beautiful & holy). We are blest to have on a regular basis at least 6-8 Priest (not quantity or quality but blessing and grace) on the Altar con-celebrating with the main celebrant. Today during the homily (preached by Fr Samuel Obu sdb) and the in praying of “I BELIEVE” I was reminded of the truth and the existence, of the significance and importance, of the meaningfulness and the historicity of this CHURCH which is my heavenly-earthly mother. It made me reflect on the pros n cons of my love for HER, of my commitment and faithfulness to HER (as a Christian, as a Religious). I invite you all to respect and love as Jesus Christ did, as the first Christians and Fathers of the Church did, as the Saints did, and as Mary along with the Apostles did. “We as one family of God, if we continue to love one another and to join in praising (actively contemplating and participating fully) the Most Holy Trinity – we will be faithful to the deepest vocation of the Church.” (Heb 3:6, LG # 51, CCC # 959)