Tuesday, February 15, 2022


This is an afterthought conversation with a friend... 

Very often we do not know and are not aware whether it’s factual or fictional, fantasy or reality but the naked truth is that while speaking or hearing, seeing or writing we come across words associated with s^x such as desire (libido), and arousal that makes us known as sensual relational existential beings. We, humans, are inherently sexual beings. It is natural, and one of the basic needs (I would add) which is very normal and ordinary to have the mood “turn on” and be and live (entwined, energized, entangled, entertained, and educated ) our sexuality. It is very necessary to have sexual confidence (being comfortable and being communicable) and consent (affirmation, attraction, and affection). The body accepts pleasurable (curiosity, discovery, intimacy) gestures (soft - kiss, embrace, hug, touch, cuddle and/or hard-) that is highly relative (orgasms and orgies) leads to expressions (satisfaction, glorification, and liberation) in a very subjective (passionate pain) way. But I don’t understand why we call it and say: it’s taboo, it’s sacred, it’s bad and I don’t know why we unnecessarily create (make a trap) a belief (religious, spiritual, political, cultural, emotional) of a social construct (right/wrong, good/bad, do’s/don't). Of course, we need to take the necessary precautions, and preventions in the act of foreplay, or orgasms with (bi-, or pan-) or without a partner (things) to avoid the damage (emotional, psychological, physical, social, cultural, financial) and risks (diseases) to oneself and the other. Are we able to challenge and deconstruct the myths of sex with an open mind (conscience and consciousness) and the right resources (channelize)? Therefore, grow to live and be sex educated.



Wednesday, February 2, 2022


In 1997, Pope John Paul II called for consecrated life to be promoted throughout the universal Church. The World Day for Consecrated Life is to be celebrated on 2nd February, the feast which commemorates the presentation which Mary and Joseph made of Jesus in the temple "to present him to the Lord" (Lk 2:22).

In the words of Pope Francis (2022): “The missionary dream of reaching out to all is the project of love”.

The joy of WE - No one, no one, should be excluded or feel excluded from this journey; no one, no one, should think it doesn't concern me

Participation - I recognize myself as part of a shared project strong in the conviction that we can only receive and give Good

Responsibility - we cannot but be among others and with others (https://www.vaticannews.va)

While all the baptized are called to share a common relationship with God: to be “religious” (RFC).

The trust that this World Day of prayer and reflection will help the particular Churches to treasure evermore the gift of consecrated life and to be measured by its message, to find the proper and fruitful balance between action and contemplation, between prayer and charity, and between commitment in the present time and eschatological hope (https://www.vatican.va)

This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples (USCCB).