Monday, December 5, 2011


The word HUT is normally understood as a hut wherein the people stay in especially near the roadside or footpaths. There is also another understanding of this word when someone wants to shuuu away a fly, a dog, or anything that comes one way. Another understanding of the word is when one wants another person to get away from oneself or to keep quite.

Well I know of a person who uses this word quite often but I am damn sure it is not out of malice but with innocence and love. Thinking about this word, I would like to attribute this to this person who uses this word, allow me to mention his name Naresh Neelam lovingly called Narry.

HUT…H stands for Handsome, I tell him that you look like an actor and should join the film industry but he says he is Happy where he is. U stands for Understanding, I tell him that you have the gift of understanding but he calls me Useless fellow and ask me why U telling me. T stands for Teaching Talent, I see in him the sense of and for synthesizing after quite a few presentations for the class I commended him for his synthesis.
I see that he is living the word HUT with the HUTness.  

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