Wednesday, December 23, 2015


A land which is known as holy
But covered with sinful folly
A land which claims to be monotheistic in religion
But totally chained in polytheistic regions
A land which is called to be the promised land
Seems to have always been barren and deserted
A land of wise and God fearing prophets
Who were butchered and rejected, unheard and silenced
A land once robbed and destroyed of its economic status,
Molested and raped of its cultural living,
Abused and accused by many foreigners for its riches
But also adorned, respected, privileged, blest,
loved, and testified to truth, to faith, to witness
A land historically defamed, psychologically tamed,
linguistically maimed, culturally shamed, spiritually un-named
Conquerors and invaders have marched on this land
Some corrupted, some civilized
What did they do?
They claimed, they blamed
They divided, they ruled

A land now corrupted with nuclear powers and energy
A land now indoctrinated in its teaching and education of the next generation
A land now populated with migrant workers and caregivers
A land once scattered and till the recent past lives a diaspora moment
A land which feels persecuted and despised
A land that seeks to revenge with war and anger and hatred
A land that avenges its fallen walls and tottering borders
A land which was a covenant made to a people

A people who might be living in radical error and an eclipsed reality
A people that sacrificed, prayed, listened, obeyed, followed the voice of…..
But now still stays with a blurred vision of the truth – partial truth
Now a people claim a land
Now a people unfortunately yet consciously
Blame their brothers and sisters
They seek to repeat the misfortunes and mistakes of old
So they relive an experience of no growth, no change, no love
A people speak and enact on behalf of the return
Is this a return or a turning away from the voice of….
Or a turning to the echo of the voice of….
The Ancient days and the modern times
Have known its past and seen its present
What can they make of the future
Lies only with the voice of…..
A land, a people which is in need of LOVE

A love which is unconditional, uncountable, unaccountable
Think and feel only of a love
A love with no division, no differences, no distinction
A love open for dialogical dialogue
A love to understand and recognize
the other as 'you', as human
A love in search of faithfulness and forgiveness
A love to live in faith and in truth

On the threshold a people await
In hope to listen to the voice of….
Let the challenges make of us a coexistence
Let the separation lead us to collaboration
the refusal become respect, condemnation to civilization
the labels of fatalism and the tags of terrorism
to peaceful realization and merciful aspirations
attitudes of contempt and despair to convictions and establishments of peace and bonds of togetherness

Do not think of this as a piece of satire
neither be a fool to think of it as farce
nor do I propose it for dissemination
or else one might think of me
as a champion of or against anti-semitism
while you read this p-o-e-m
did you think of me as a pessimist or an optimist
or else did you feel I was  being empathetic or motivating?

(To me it seems like wisdom is asleep and refuses to awake or maybe only pretends to be a sleep
or rather seems to have taken sleeping pills
Why do a people pledge in vain and slander each other for useless gain that leaves everyone only in tragic pain
I can imagine slaughtering of lives and bodies full of flies
Streets covered with smashed bones and pieces of bodies disposed, roads drenched with blood dried and awful stink)

This poem has taken shape after having read Rabbi Abhraham Heschel Israel: An Echo of Eternity (1967) & Irreconcilable Differences? (2001) edited by David Sandmel, Rosann Catalano, & Christopher Leighton. I would also suggest these books for your critical reading on the topics dealt with in the poem – Land, People, Love, Hope
I also take this opportunity to thank Fr David Neuhaus SJ (the Vicar of the Latin Patriarch, Israel) the professor at Studium Theologicum Salesianum - Jerusalem, Israel, who taught the course on Judaism, by his insightful classes and the sharing of his critical readings. 

Friday, October 16, 2015


Dear Readers,

I received a friend request on FB and as soon as I accepted the request....had a chat...rather a long chat with this the end of the chat i called this person JB....what did we chat the Schindler's list can go on....All i want to say is One Life Live it to the FULL...with happiness...with a smile....with blessings uncountable...with prayers always for of help to everyone to anyone and ALL...coz u never know when next opportunity will knock at you and ask for HELP...share your life coz you have no better chance than to live your life without sharing...this person JB...inspired me to write this on my you folks are reading it.... the person you are coz there is no other like U...praying for U and for your wishes....
God Bless U n UR intentions...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Here is something written from childhood memories and of stories that I have heard from my family. 

Shadows against mountains,

each man, Sisyphus-like, shouldering a coffin,
backs hunched, rifles dragging,
moving Indian file through rice-paddies.
Weighted down by each step
we heard voices singing,
        “plant seeds, in fields and levees…
        In Fall, there will be
        five kinds of grain.”

Childhood, time of friendship, equality.
We used to dive into the same river
shattering the sun into million suns.
Your brother and I would measured our penises
with blades of grass
you would laugh at our little chili peppers
I saw yours, and yes…
I watched them swell and blossom
through the years.

Words support like bones
dreaming of the tenderness – the trembling lips
together, our hands clasp tightly.
Fighting waves of time.
We lost your brother in the Fall of `75.

I awoke this morning – roused by music
A violin sang beautifully
and part of me sang with it.
For on this day, someone is celebrating her birthday.
I wept quietly in my cell.
Oh the waves, the waves
in which we

Minh Dang 

A person (salesian n religious - but a brother and friend) who inspires us in the community and the youngsters he meets and interacts - by his presence, his way of interacting, his smile, his catch phrase - "its simply amazing". A person who is an avid reader in all matters. His skills are drawing, sketching, and writing poems. I only know him for a year now lives just across my room here in the community, as it was in the last year. He has patience to listen no matter what time, what place...Soon to be a Priest...a Salesian Religious Priest....above all a MISSIONARY here in Israel, in the holy land....A person who is self-sacrificing and dedicated to work and study, above all to his PRAYER LIFE. His way of living is simple and his heart ever open to share anything and everything. 
Thanks Minh....God Bless U....
keep inspiring 
keep smiling 
keep thinking 
keep sharing
As U R...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

gRaZiE MiLLe....

Thanks a lot….to the Salesian community and oratory of San Luigi – Chieri, would also like to include here the Salesian community and oratory of Ivera as well as that of Maria Madre Della Chiesa – Torino.
Thanks for bidding me farewell…will never forget my stay here and this night…I stayed here , lived here, learnt here, and grew here for 2 months and 25 days. I don’t know if I as a good or not so good example of being a Salesian Religious and of living as a son, a brother, and  a friend. But surely you all made me feel so….Indeed will never forget your love, your kindness, your generosity, and above all you being a FAMILY to me.
Want to say thanks to the community confreres, to all the mamma’s and their family, to all the animators, to all the youngsters, to all the children, to all my friends and the persons whom I meet and encountered. Will always cherish these moments of my life.
Thanks for being patient with me – for many reasons but in a particular because of the language and because of my attitude and character and personality.
I would also like to ask pardon if at all I have made mistakes and hurt someone’s feelings; If I have ignored one or didn’t speak to one; or for whatever reasons.
Remember that I love you all and will always pray for you….
Sorry to not have mentioned any names in particular but allow me to make mention of one name in particular and in specific….DON ELIGIO….
To say in one phrase, in him I see the Don Bosco of Today. He was indeed, a father, a brother, and a friend to me. Even though there were many barriers between him and me like that of language, age, position, thinking, style, living habits but I never felt lonely, alone, lost…because he was there….
By the way for those who don’t know him…I would say live with him and have an experience that will make you want to stay with Don Bosco…At present he is the director of the san luigi salesiano oratorio which is at Chieri….but more than a director he is a father, and friend to all. This I can say because I witnessed it in my life and in my stay here.
To highlight some of his qualities though these would limit his personality and character:
E – Energetic & Enthusiastic about Salesian Spirit & Salesian Life
L – Love for the others which is boundless and overflowing
I – Intelligent person who is always forward and beyond our thinking capacity
G – Gentle and Generous person who has a heart only to give and share
I – Inspiring character and personality… all rounder….
O – Openness of mind and heart….
I say all this after experiencing him and staying with him….
Apart from spelling his name….I think he is a perfect English man A-Z…let me be clear…
Affectionate, and active, brilliant, and brave, courageous, and charming, determined, and, deep, enthusiastic and energetic, faithful, and fabulous, generous, and gentle, holy, and, happy, inspiring, and intelligent, illustrious, jovial and jaunty, kind, and, knowledgeable, loving, and, listening, motivational and messy, nurturing, and nice, outgoing, and, open-minded, profound, and practical, quick-witted, and, quirky, reliable, and remarkable, spirit-filled, and sensitive, talented, and trendy, ubiquitous, and understanding, versatile, and vivacious, witty, and warm-hearted, xenodochial, and xenial, young-at-heart, and youthful, zesty, and zippy….
And to suit his handsomeness he always has a smile on his face which exhorts only brightness and freshness all around…
He is one of the rare Salesian I have seen who drives bus for the children, who climbs the mountain and prepares food for them, who sings, dance and walks with the youngsters, who uses Don Bosco’s the preventive system 24 x 7, who treats everyone equally and respectfully, the young and the old love him, who does all the administrative work as well as all the marketing, at night on the mountain in the morning in the oratory, in the the office…, suddenly blessing a wedding or baptizing or sending a soul to rest…
I was blest to stay with such a Salesian….
He would call me red Indian, and furbo…will miss hearing this from him…as well as his watch words…sempre meze ragazzi, the yellow keys, open the gate, okay – no problem…..
What else can I say….Oh now it’s time for Mass…áll this is written in the Santa Maria Chiesa of FMA Saturday morning during our recollection and the last day for me in Chieri….
Thanks to you all…Praying for U all….


Grazie mille alla famiglia salesiana e all'oratorio di San Luigi-Chieri, e anche grazie alla famiglia salesiana e all'oratorio di Ivrea come anche quella di Maria Madre della Chiesa di Torino.
Grazie per avermi salutato per un'ultima volta. Non dimenticherò mai il mio soggiorno qui e questa notte...sono stato qui, ho vissuto qui, qui ho imparato e sono cresciuto qui per 2 mesi e 25 giorni.
Voglio ringraziare tutti i confratelli della comunità, tutte le mamme e le loro famiglie, tutti gli animatori, tutti i giovani, tutti i miei amici e le persone che ho incontrato. Ricorderò sempre con affetto questi mmomenti della mia vita
Non so se sono stato un buono o cattivo esempio per tutti voi...e se sono stato il secondo caso vorrei umilmente chiedervi di dimenticare e perdonare il mio comportamento e natura immaturi ma voi mi avete fatto sentire come un figlio, un fratello, un amico..infatti non dimenticherò mai il vostro amore, la vostra gentilezza, la vostra generosità e soprattutto il vostro essere una FAMIGLIA con me. Grazie per essere stati pazienti con me- per molte ragioni ma soprattutto per la lingua e per la mia attitudine e il mio carattere e la mia personalità.
Vorrei anche chiedere scusa se ho commesso degli errori e se ho ferito i sentimenti di qualcuno; se ho ignorato qualcuno o se non ho parlato con qualcuno; o per qualsiasi motivo.
Ricordatevi che io vi vorrò sempre bene e pregherò sempre per voi...scusate se non ho menzionato nessun nome in particolare ma permettetemi di fare menzione di un nome in particolare e in specifico....DON ELIGIO.
In breve, io vedo in lui il Don Bosco dei giorni nostri. È stato veramente un padre, un fratello e un amico per me. Anche se c'erano molte barriere tra me e lui, come per esempio la lingua, l'età, la posizione, il modo di pensare, lo stile, le abitudini di vita, io non mi sono mai stato da solo, non mi sono mai sentito solo, perso perché lui era lì. Intanto per quelli che non lo conoscono...direi che vivere con lui e aver a che fare con lui vi farà venire voglia di stare con Don momento lui è direttore del San Luigi oratorio salesiano che si trova a è più che un direttore, è un padre e un amico di tutti. Questo lo posso dire perché l'ho provato nella mia vita e nel mio soggiorno qui. Per evidenziare alcune sue qualità, anche se questo limita quelli che invece sono la sua personalità e carattere:
E come "energic" ed " enthusiastic" -energico ed entusiasta riguardo lo spirito e la vita salesiana
L come "love" -amore per gli altri che è senza limiti e trabboccante
I come "intelligent" -intelligente...è sempre avanti e oltre e la nostra capacità di pensare
G come "gentle" e "generous" - gentile e generoso...ha un cuore solo per dare e condividere
I come "inspiring" -ispiratore..ha un carattere e una personalità che ispirano...un tutto fare
O come "openness" -apertura di mente e di cuore...
Dico tutto questo dopo essere vissuto ed essere stato con lui. A parte lo spelling del suo nome...penso che sia un perfetto uomo inglese dalla A alla Z...Per essere chiaro
A: "affectionate " e "active": affettuoso e attivo
B: "brilliant" e "brave": brillante e coraggioso
C: "courageous" e "charming" : valoroso e affascinante
D: "determined" e "deep": determinato e intenso
E: "enthusiastic" e "energetic": entusiasta ed energico
F: "faithful" e "fabulous": fedele e favoloso
G: "generous" e "gentle": generoso e gentile
H: "happy" e "holy": felice e santo
I: "inspiring" e "intelligent" e "illustrious" : ispiratore e intelligente e famoso
J: "jovial" e "jaunty": gioviale e vivace
K: "kind" e "knowledgeable" : buono e sempre informato
L: "loving" e "listening": è una persona che ama e che ascolta
M: "motivational" e " messy": motivatore e confusionario
N: "nurturing" e "nice": educatore e simpatico
O: "outgoing" e "open minded": amichevole e di ampie vedute
P: "profound" e "practical": profondo e pratico
Q: "quick-wittewitted" e "quirky": sveglio e spiritoso
R: "reliable" e "remarkable": affidabile e straordinario
S: "spirit-filled" e "sensitive": pieno di spirito e premuroso
T: "talented" e "trendy": talentuoso e di moda
U: "ubiquitous" e "understanding": onnipresente e comprensivo
V: "versatile" e "vivacious": versatile e vivace
W: "witty" e "warm-hearted": scherzoso e con un grande cuore
X: "xenodochial" e "xenial": amichevole con gli estranei e ospitale
Y : "young at heart" e "youthful": con a cuore i giovani e giovanile
Z:"zesty" e "zippy": pieno di entusiasmo ed energia

E per completare la sua bella persona, ha sempre un sorriso in faccia che infonde solo splendore e freschezza tutt'intorno
È uno dei rari salesiani che ho visto che guida l'autobus per i bambini, che si arrampica sulle montagne e che prepara cibo per loro, che canta, balla e cammina con i giovani, che usa il sistema preventivo di don Bosco ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro, che tratta tutti in modo uguale e con rispetto, i giovani e i vecchi lo amano, fa tutto il lavoro amministrativo come anche comperare, di notte è in montagna, di giorno in oratorio, in cucina, in ufficio....all'improvviso celebra un matrimonio o un battesimo o manda un'anima all'eterno riposo...
Sono stato fortunato ad essere stato con un salesiano così...
Mi chiamava "re d'indians" e "furbo"...mi mancherà sentire questo da lui...come le sue parole di guardia..."sempre in mezzo ai ragazzi", "le chiavi gialle", "apri il cancello", "ok", "no problem"...
Che altro posso dire...è ora di messa...tutto questo è stato scritto nella Chiesa di Santa Maria FMA, sabato mattina durante il raccoglimento e ultimo giorno a Chieri per me.
grazie a tutti...prego per tutti voi...
Con amore,

Thursday, January 29, 2015


remember our nights of rolling 
under the covers?
It was just love,
love is all there was.

tune my heart to sing your grace
teach me your melodious songs,
sung by these longing lips.
For every mouth that you have ever kissed
was just practice,
and hands that you held
were meant to fit into mine.

bind my wandering heart
prone to anger,
prone to wander,
and prone to leave.
for all the men that you gave your heart away
were maps for you to find me.
And all the roads that you have walked,
traveled, and crossed over,
eventually, lead you to me.

Come, love...
We are not as lovers often do -
with passionate flames
then flickering light
so abruptly vanished.
For all the bodies that you have touched
caressed, mingled, cuddled
and entered into
were preparing you for me.

Come, love...
Under this campfire
as lovers come and go
of all the people I have loved,
you are least of all
a mental object of love,
but most intensely real.

MINH DUC DANG is the one who has written this for HIS LOVE....
Thanks Minh for sharing your life, thoughts and this poem....
Hope to compose a tune for this lovely LOVE.....

Monday, January 26, 2015


Let me begin by wishing you all Happy Republic Day. Though my afar was thinking how day would pass by in India....hoisting of flag, remembering great and honorable personalities, singing patriotic songs, making eloquent speeches. I think all this is a good way to commemorate our Republic Day but as citizens of India in today's context and postmodern world of the twenty first century; we not only need to remind ourselves of the past but also to live as authentic beings in the present, and to have a better vision for the future - of love. Thinking about Indians: what it means to be an Indian, or call ourselves as Indian. I am reminded of these films/movies - Oh My God, Kick, Jai Ho, really pricked my conscience in order to live a life of humanity. At the same time living a life of immense light of the Divine - in serving the poor, loving each other without boundaries and barriers, caring for HUMAN. We proudly call our India as "MOTHER INDIA" Maa/Aayi/Ammi/Mom/Mata/Mummy/Mother/Amma/Ami/Mei....where is the motherliness seen in each of us - HER SONS n DAUGHTERS....the caring and loving nature, the democracy of trust, of togetherness, of sharing lives and hearts.

WHY there is still the disparity and division of caste, class, religions, religious, colour, creed, places and practices? Where is the sense of DIALOGUE OF DEMOCRACY???